
Privacy Policy

Sinfonia Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) handles all personal information used for our business activities in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other related laws and regulations, guidelines established by the government, and other standards, and in order to ensure appropriate management and use of such information, we handle such information in accordance with the following Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy).

  1. We have established rules and regulations concerning the handling of personal information, have established an appropriate management system, and will ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of these rules and regulations.
  2. We will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and handle it within the scope of the purposes of use that have been publicly announced or notified.
  3. We will properly manage personal information by taking necessary measures to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized use, or leakage of personal information.
  4. We will respond promptly and in good faith to requests and inquiries from you for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use, etc. of your personal information.


1. Purposes of Use

We will announce the purposes of use of personal information as follows, and use personal information within the scope of such purposes. Any changes to the purposes of use will also be promptly announced on this website.

(1) urposes of use of personal information of customers (including online store users) and business partners
  1. To use for sales operations such as accepting orders for, shipping, arranging for, installing, repairing, maintaining, inspecting and making settlement for our products or services (hereinafter referred to as “Products, etc.”)
  2. To purchase parts and materials for Products, etc., and to use for manufacturing operations such as management of contracted or outsourced operations
  3. To use for public relations and advertising activities, such as notifications of exhibitions, campaigns, and other events related to Products, etc., and information on other businesses, and distribution of e-mail newsletters
  4. To use for planning, research and development, marketing and quality improvement of Products, etc.
  5. To provide customer support for Products, etc., conduct business negotiations or meetings to improve the quality of or customize Products, etc., and to provide information, etc.
  6. To send leaflets, catalogs and other materials, data and prototypes related to Products, etc., and to provide product information such as new Products, etc. 
  7. To provide services to members of our online store
  8. To manage entry and exit to/from our facilities
(2) Purposes of use of personal information of shareholders
  1. To exercise rights and perform obligations under the Companies Act
  2. To provide various benefits to shareholders in relation to their status as shareholders
  3. To implement various measures to facilitate the relationship between the shareholders and the Company from the viewpoint of the members of the association and the association
  4. To manage shareholders, such as to prepare shareholder data in accordance with prescribed standards under various laws and regulations
(3) The purposes of use of personal information of the Company’s officers and employees (including retired officers and employees), and their family members
  1. To implement personnel-related matters stipulated in rules of employment and collective labor agreements, etc., to plan organizational structures and personnel assignments, to assess promotions, advancement, salary increases etc., to manage the payment of retirement allowances, and to plan and analyze other personnel measures, etc.
  2. To implement salary-related matters stipulated in wage regulations, etc., to assess salaries, bonuses, etc., to manage the details of payment of salaries, business travel expenses, etc., to manage attendance status, and to plan and analyze salary treatment measures, etc.
  3.  To implement, manage, plan and analyze employee education and training programs, to formulate development plans for individuals, to support self- development, and to plan and implement various other measures for human resource development
  4. To implement, manage, plan, and analyze our employee benefit programs
  5. To perform procedures for health insurance, employee pension insurance, and labor insurance, and to conduct income tax withholding, special collection of inhabitant tax, and other operations
  6. To provide guidance and support for the maintenance and promotion of employees’ physical and mental health, to fulfil our safety consideration obligations such as employment measures, and to perform analyses for health management and occupational health policy planning
  7. To comply with the provisions of laws or any other equivalent legislation, to communicate within the Company, to perform tasks related to security, such as managing entry/exit and system access privileges, to confirm the safety in the event of a disaster, etc., and to perform tasks necessary for business, such as when requested by customers to submit personal information
(4) Purposes of use for personal information of job applicants (including prospective applicants)
  1. To provide information such as sending recruitment information and event information to job applicants
  2. To conduct and manage events and tests, and to conduct recruitment, selection, and other operations

2. Disclosure and Provision

We will not disclose or provide personal information to any third party, except in the following cases:

  1. when we have the consent of the person in question;
  2. when disclosure or provision of personal information is requested in accordance with laws and regulations;
  3. when it is necessary for the protection of life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question;
  4. when it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question;
  5. when it is necessary to cooperate with the national or local government in conducting public affairs, and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the person in question will interfere with the execution of those affairs;
  6. when personal information is disclosed to a third party through outsourcing or joint use; or
  7. other cases specified in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

3. Outsourcing

When we provide personal information to a third party for outsourcing, we will take appropriate measures to protect personal information, such as by concluding an outsourcing contract with the contents necessary to protect personal information, and by providing subsequent guidance and supervision.

4. Joint Use

In order to achieve the purposes of use described in Section 1, we may share and use jointly personal information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers held by us among affiliated companies*. In such cases, we will be responsible for the management of personal information.

Click here to see the affiliated companies.

5. Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information and Complaints

When we receive an inquiry from the person in question about the disclosure, addition, correction, suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision of his/her personal information to third parties, or a complaint about our response, we will respond promptly within a reasonable period and scope in accordance with our procedures. The contact point for inquiries is as follows:

1-1-30 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-8564
Compliance Promotion Section, Sinfonia Technology Co., Ltd.

6. Review

We will review our internal rules and management system, etc. including this Privacy Policy, as appropriate when it is necessary to correct the management of personal information by conducting periodic audits.

About Cookies

  1. Our website automatically collects information such as the Internet domain names, IP addresses, and the environment in which our website is viewed. Cookies (information sent from the server to the user's browser and stored on the user's computer in order to identify the user on the server side) for this purpose are limited to those for the smooth implementation of the services provided by our website and do not contain any personal information.
  2. The information collected in Section 1 will be used as a reference for the smooth operation of the services provided by our website.
  3. Most Internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies, but you can change browser settings to block cookies. If you reject cookies, you may not be able to use some of the services you request on our website. The procedure for changing cookie settings varies from browser to browser, so please check your browser's help function or visit the appropriate website by clicking on the following link.