Investor Relations

SINFONIA Products in Various Fields


We hold the top global share in the market for semiconductor handling equipment* crucial to semiconductor manufacturing. 

*Load ports 


We hold the top share of the market for actuator systems for Japanese domestic space rockets, able to maintain ultra-precise control in the harsh environment of space.  

EV and HEV Development

Our automotive testing systems are indispensable for EV and HEV development, and boast a world-class market share. 

Specialized Conveyance 

Our technological capabilities in material handling are developing across various fields, including vibrating conveyors. 


We supplied the first-Japanese made generator for aircraft.
Since then, we have held the top market share in aircraft power generation systems in Japan.  

We are participants in a Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) program aimed at developing electric aircraft for the future. 


We hold the top global market share in specialized motors able to provide reliable operation, even at the  extremely low temperature of -162°C in the case of our cryogenic submerged motor pumps.