Investor Relations

Mid-Term Plan

Mid-term Management Plan: SINFONIA NEW STAGE 2024

 'SINFONIA NEW STAGE 2024' is our mid-term plan.

In this mid-term plan, we focus on the development of new products and the nurturing of new businesses to achieve sustainable corporate growth. 

Through these, we aim to transform our product portfolio and contribute to stable corporate growth, as well as sustainable social development. 

1. Strengthening Technological Development Capabilities 

We will continue to expand our range of products in the categories of motor drive, power electronics, and control system technologies. 

In particular, we will actively utilize M&A in the fields related to semiconductor handling, robotic logistics systems, and energy management as well as industry-academia collaboration, which will lead to the transformation of our product portfolio. 

2. Efforts Toward Carbon Neutrality and Reduction of Environmental Impact

In order to contribute to the sustainable development of both our company and wider society, we will strive to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and shift our portfolio toward products that support our customers in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Global Business Expansion 

We will work to expand our global business by strengthening the capabilities of our subsidiaries in Asia and North America in order to quickly respond to customers across the world. 

4. Product Competitiveness and Production Capabilities

In order to strengthen product competitiveness and production capabilities, we will actively promote the digitization of products and the automation of production to improve profitability.

5. Transforming Our Organization and Culture 

To build a sustainable corporate culture, we will strive toward company reform that will help us to support innovators that will help us to support people to take on new challenges, by enhancing our employee training and evaluation systems with a view to mid-to long-term growth, and by reforming our organization so that we can respond flexibly to the business environment.