Investor Relations

Financial Highlights

Trends in Key Management and Other Indicators for the Last Five Fiscal Years on a Consolidated Basis 

  Unit 95th Term 96th Term 97th Term 98th Term 99th Term
Closing Month and Year   March 2019 March 2020 March 2021 March 2022 March 2023
Net Sales Millions of Yen 94,156


87,312 94,585 108,808
Ordinary Profit or Ordinary Loss (-)  Millions of Yen 6,298 2,872 4,810 7,898 11,997

Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent 


Millions of Yen 4,635 1,688 3,677 5,593 8,098


Millions of Yen 3,891 883 9,021 5,403 9,928
Net Assets Millions of Yen 43,795 43,352 51,354 54,090 62,608
Total Assets Millions of Yen 106,120 103,835 109,353 116,801 127,321
Net Assets per Share  Yen 1,472.92 1,464.33 1,741.63 1,918.91 2,220.55
Profit per Share or Loss per Share (-)  Yen 155.89 56.94 124.51 194.99 287.24
Diluted Profit per Share Yen
Equity Capital Ratio % 41.3 41.8 47.0 46.3 49.2
Return on Equity % 10.9 3.9 7.8 10.6 13.9
Price-to-Earnings Ratio  Times  8.7 16.9 10.6 6.8 5.5
Cash Flow from Operating Activities Millions of Yen 5,385 7,112 6,813 2,951 6,034
Cash Flow from Investing Activities Millions of Yen -3,887 -3,648 -2,913 -1,847 -4,057
Cash Flow from Financing Activities Millions of Yen -2,276 -1,513 -843 -4,761 -1,276
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period Millions of Yen  5,643 7,621 12,358 8,733 9493
Number of Employees Persons  3,669 3,654 3,659 3,678 3,680

Trends in Key Management and Other Indicators for the Last Five Fiscal Years on a Non-Consolidated Basis 

  Unit 95th Term 96th Term 97th Term 98th Term 99th Term
Closing Month and Year   2019.3
Net Sales  Millions of Yen  71,088 67,424 64,981 72,093 84,265
Ordinary Profit or Ordinary Loss (-)  Millions of Yen  4,561 1,511 3,427 6,267 10,537
Net Profit for the Current Period or Net Loss for the Current Period (-)  Millions of Yen  3,539 987 2,964 4,580 7,687
Capital  Millions of Yen  10,156 10,156 10,156 10,156 10,156
Total Issued Shares Shares  29,789,122 29,789,122 29,789,122 29,789,122 29,789,122
Net Assets  Millions of Yen 38,671 37,801 42,398 43,823 50,786
Total Assets  Millions of Yen 95,864 93,414 96,618 103,101 109,847
Net Assets per Share Yen 1,300.59 1,276.83 1,437.90 1,554.67 1,801.23

Dividend per Share 

(including interim dividend per share) 

Yen 40.00 30.00
Profit per Share or Loss per Share (-)  Yen 119.04 33.31 100.37 159.67 272.67
Diluted Profit per Share Yen
Equity Capital Ratio  % 40.3 40.5 43.9 42.5 46.2
Return on Equity  % 9.3 2.6 7.4 10.6 16.3
Price-to-Earnings Ratio  Times  11.4 28.8 13.1 8.3 5.8
Dividend Payout Ratio  % 33.6 90.1 34.9 31.3 27.5

Number of Employees  

Persons  1,930 1,925 1,918 1,930 1,931

Total Shareholder Return 

(Benchmark Index: TOPIX, including dividends) 

% 76.5
Highest Stock Price  Yen 2,430
1,626 1,574 1,572 1,804
Lowest Stock Price  Yen 1,135
793 831 1,120 1,217

1. From the beginning of our 95th term, we have applied the “Partial Amendments to Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting” (ASBJ Statement No. 28, February 16, 2018), among others. These accounting standards and other protocols have been retroactively applied to the preceding years' indicators.

2. On October 1, 2018, we conducted a reverse stock split at a ratio of 1 share for every 5 ordinary shares. For the purposes of calculating net assets per share, profit per share, diluted profit per share, and shareholder total return, the date of this reverse stock split was set as occurring at the beginning of our 93rd term. Additionally, our reverse stock split is taken into account in the listed dividend rate of 40.00 yen per share in our 95th term. We list our highest and lowest stock prices after the reverse stock split for the 95th term, with the highest and lowest stock prices before the reverse stock split indicated in parentheses. 

3. We have introduced a Board Benefit Trust (BBT) system. Company shares held by the Trust are included in the deduction of treasury stock when calculating total issued shares at year-end, which number forms the basis for figures for net asset value per share from our 96th term onward. Company shares held by the Trust are also included in the deduction of treasury stock when calculating the average number of shares during the period, which serves as the basis for figures for profit per share or loss per share (-).