Investor Relations

Recent Performance and Outlook

Consolidated Performance


Fiscal Year Ended March 2023 


Fiscal Year Ended March 2024 


Year-on-Year Change 
Net Sales  Millions of Yen 108,808 100,000 -8.1%
Operating Profit Millions of Yen 11,625 8,700 -25.2%
Ordinary Profit  Millions of Yen 11,997 9,000 -25.0%
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent Millions of Yen 8,098 6,200 -23.4%
Profit per Share Yen 287.24 219.9 -23.4%

Performance by Segment


Fiscal Year Ended March 2023 


Fiscal Year Ended March 2024 


Year-on-Year Change 
Motion Equipment Net Sales  Millions of Yen  38,680 37,000 -4.3%
Operating Profit  Millions of Yen  2,501 2,300 -8.0%
Power Electronics Equipment Net Sales  Millions of Yen  20,984 22,000 +4.8%
Operating Profit  Millions of Yen  1,400 1,600 +14.3%
Clean Transport Equipment Net Sales  Millions of Yen  29,923 21,000 -29.8%
Operating Profit  Millions of Yen  6,346 2,900 -54.3%

Engineering and Services

Net Sales  Millions of Yen  19,220 20,000 +4.1%
Operating Profit  Millions of Yen  1,386 1,900 +37.1%

CapEx, Depreciation Expenses, and R&D Expenses 


Fiscal Year Ended March 2023 


Fiscal Year Ended March 2024 


Year-on-Year Change 
CapEx Millions of Yen  5,165 6,200 +20.0%
Depreciation Expenses Millions of Yen  3,233 3,600 +11.4%
R&D Expenses  Millions of Yen  3,894 4,500 +15.6%

Financial results forecasting and other predictions of our future outlook are based on information available at the time of publication.
The actual results may differ from this forecast due to different future factors.