Investor Relations

Shareholder Returns

Our Shareholder Returns Policy

  • Our basic dividend policy is to pay out a steady dividend every given period. In determining profit distribution, we consider the interests of shareholders, as well as forecasted earnings in order to strengthen the company’s foundation and to prepare for CapEx and development investment in future business expansion. 
  • The year-end dividend of the fiscal year ended March 2024 is expected to be 60 yen per share. 
  • Under current circumstances and based on the above policy, we plant to set our dividend payout ratio at 25% or more.
    We will continue to consider further shareholder returns. 

Dividend Trends 

(Unit: ¥) 

  Fiscal Year Ended March 2019 Fiscal Year Ended March 2020 Fiscal Year Ended March 2021 Fiscal Year Ended March 2022 Fiscal Year Ended March 2023 Fiscal Year Ended March 2024 (Forecast) 
Dividend Per Share  40 30 35 50 75 70