News Release

Joined “Semiconductor Assembly Test Automation and Standardization Research Association” (SATAS) as a founding member of the association


TOKYO, JULY 08, 2024 – SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (TSE: 6507) joined “Semiconductor Assembly Test Automation and Standardization Research Association” (hereinafter referred to as “SATAS”) established on April 16. 

SATAS comprises semiconductor manufacturers, manufacturing equipment, automated material handling system suppliers, and standardization organizations. The mission of SATAS is to transform and fully automate packaging, assembly and testing manufacturing processes. SATAS aims to promote the transformation of conventional semiconductor manufacturing and realize a more efficient, sustainable and flexible supply chain by developing jointly verifying, and standardizing technologies necessary for the automation of Assembly-Test processes.

Our company holds the world’s top market share for 'Load ports,' which work as the interface for supplying wafers to manufacturing equipment in the front-end processes of semiconductor manufacturing.

We are also advancing the technologies of integrated modules such as EFEMs, which include wafer handling robots. Additionally, we are accelerating the development and sales of new technologies and products, including tape frame-compatible products that support 3D packaging, and WLP/PLP-compatible products for increasing demands for automation in back-end processes.

Moving forward, SATAS will create the technical specifications and open industrial standards necessary for Assembly-Test process automation, develop / implement equipment, and test the equipment; and integrated pilot line with the objective of commercializing the solution in 2028. 

A key goal of this commercialization is that SATAS solutions are implemented in both existing and new factories.


Panel FOUP load port

For more details
SATAS_Press Release (English, 2024/05/07, PDF)

SINFONIA was established in 1917, with electromagnetic control technologies as its core, providing various products including wafer handling systems (semiconductors) and electrical components for space rockets and aircraft. They are based on our own technologies across four sectors: Clean Transport Systems, Power Electronics Equipment, Motion Equipment, and Engineering and Services.  Sinfonia applies these technologies cultivated in various fields and continues to contribute to further social progress by developing products used in sectors including regenerative medicine fields, logistics, and agriculture. The company's revenues for the fiscal year 2023 (ended March 31, 2024) totaled 102.6 billion yen, with 3,683 consolidated employees. For more information on Sinfonia, please visit the company's website at 


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