
Basic Environmental Policy

Environmental Philosophy 

SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY recognizes the efforts for environmental conservation, including climate change adaptation, as important management issues. Our philosophy is to act with environmental consideration in all aspects of our corporate activities to ensure the preservation of our irreplaceable earth environment not only for the present but also for the future. We aim to pass on a healthy environment to the next generation and contribute to creating a rich and livable society. 

Environmental Action Guidelines 

  1. We consider the lifecycle perspective in environmental conservation activities. We evaluate the impact on the environment of business activities, products, and services, and solve the significant issues within technically and economically feasible limits. 
  2. We continuously improve our environmental management system by reviewing it as needed. We strive to prevent and avoid environmental pollution due to business activities. 

    We set environmental objectives and goals at each level and work towards improving environmental performance. 

  3. We comply with environmental regulations and environmental considerations agreed upon by relevant organizations with which our company is associated. 
  4. We will focus on the following items as our priority issues: 

    (1) Environment-oriented technological development and manufacturing 

    (2) Environmental conservation activities aiming for a decarbonized society, a circular economy, and biodiversity preservation 

    (3) Management of chemicals and promotion of green procurement 

    (4) Prevention of pollution 

    (5) Contribution to local communities through environmental conservation activities 

  5. Based on a lifecycle perspective, we work to reduce our environmental impact at each stage of research and development, design, procurement, manufacturing, transportation, use, and disposal.