Transportation and Power Control Systems

Example of delivered equipment

Equipment delivered to the railroad vehicle industry

  Train Railcar Testing Equipment
Brake Receptor/Controller
Static Power Amplifier  
Brakeshift Indicator  
Idling/Sliding Detection Device
Speed Generator
Electronic Governor for Diesel Vehicles  
Dynamic Braking System for Diesel Vehicles    
Testing Equipment  

VSCF Power Supply System for Railcar


Equipment delivered to construction industry

  Hydraulic Excavators Rough-tech Cranes Crawler Cranes Truck Cranes Aerial Work Vehicles
Controllers Engine control       
Hydraulic control       
Slewing interference control         
Slow stop control        
Operation support       
Maintenance support      

Overload protection device


Boom length and Angle detector


Load, angle and length detector


Multiplexer (lower part)


VSCF power supply unit


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