Vibrating Equipment

KRL The Wave Screen

A unique type of screen with a waving screen

The Wave Screen is a revolutionary screen with a vibrating mesh screen. The wavy screen gives a large acceleration force to the material, so that even moist or sticky materials can be screened efficiently without clogging. The screen can be applied to a wide range of materials with a standard classifying diameter of 2 to 35mm and is especially suitable for field piled materials.


  1. No clogging due to the wavy screen
    The dynamic vibration of the screen, which alternates between "tautens" and "sags", enables screening of materials that stick easily to the screen without clogging, which is difficult with conventional screens.
  2. Easy replacement of the screen with a hammer (Figure A)
    The screen is fixed by a special method that does not use any bolts. The screen can be easily replaced with a single hammer.
  3. Small angle of downward movement reduces installation height.
    The screen can be used with a downward angle of only 5° (standard 15°) because the screen is subjected to two vibrations (circular vibration of the drive unit and linear vibration of the vibrating frame due to resonance action), which give a large acceleration to the material. As a result, the installation height can be significantly reduced.
  4. Flexible feeding and screening conditions
    Depending on the feed rate and the moisture content of the applied material, it is easy to adjust the amplitude, vibration frequency, etc. by inverter control or by adjusting the angle of the unbalanced weight.
  5. Sturdy structure and maintenance free
    The body has a simple and reasonable structure. The screen is made of urethane, which permanently maintains high flexibility, and requires minimal maintenance.
  6. Unique models are also available (Figure B)
    Ox horn type model is also available, which looks like an ox horn. The screen is more durable, and material is less likely to leak through the gaps between the screen and the frame, making for more efficient operation.

Holding method without using bolt

Unique screen type “ox horn type”

Structural Diagram


Standard Specifications
Model Effective screening area
Motor output
Vibration per min.
Gross weight
KRS-800-2 1.5 5.5 900 2100
KRS-800-3 2.3 7.5 900 2900
KRS-800-4 3.1 7.5 900 3500
KRS-1000-3 3.0 7.5 900 3300
KRS-1000-4 4.0 11 900 4300
KRS-1000-5 5.0 15 900 5000
KRS-1000-6 6.0 15 900 5600
KRS-1300-3 3.9 11 900 3600
KRS-1300-4 5.2 11 900 4600
KRS-1300-5 6.4 15 900 5500
KRS-1300-6 7.7 18.5 900 6200
KRS-1600-3 4.8 11 900 4900
KRS-1600-4 6.3 15 900 6100
KRS-1600-5 7.9 18.5 900 7400
KRS-1600-6 9.5 22 900 8300
KRS-1900-4 7.5 15 900 7400
KRS-1900-5 9.4 18.5 900 8900
KRS-1900-6 11.3 22 900 10000
KRS-2200-5 10.9 22 900 10200
KRS-2200-6 13.0 30 900 11700
KRS-2400-5 11.9 30 900 11500
KRS-2400-6 14.2 30 900 13500

Outer Dimensions

Dimension Table

Unit: mm

Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
KRS-800-2 780 880 2250 1300 1150 850 600 1500 324 2173 110 2511 300 750 1900
KRS-800-3 780 880 3230 1300 1200 850 800 1900 549 2434 167 3458 300 750 2150
KRS-800-4 780 880 4220 1300 1200 850 1050 2400 549 3391 161 4414 300 750 2400
KRS-1000-3 1010 1110 3230 1600 1400 1000 800 1900 549 2434 167 3458 300 800 2150
KRS-1000-4 1010 1110 4220 1600 1450 1050 1050 2400 620 3231 76 4414 300 800 2400
KRS-1000-5 1010 1110 5200 1600 1500 1050 1300 2900 620 4177 73 5361 300 800 2650
KRS-1000-6 1010 1110 6190 1600 1500 1100 1300 3900 655 5053 24 6317 300 800 2900
KRS-1300-3 1310 1410 3230 1900 1550 1150 800 1900 549 2434 167 3555 400 1000 2150
KRS-1300-4 1310 1410 4220 1900 1600 1200 1050 2400 620 3231 76 4511 400 1000 2400
KRS-1300-5 1310 1410 5200 1900 1650 1200 1300 2900 620 4177 73 5458 400 1000 2650
KRS-1300-6 1310 1410 6190 1900 1650 1250 1300 3900 655 5053 24 6414 400 1000 2900
KRS-1600-3 1610 1710 3230 2200 1750 1300 850 1800 620 2274 82 3555 400 1200 2150
KRS-1600-4 1610 1710 4220 2200 1800 1350 1050 2400 620 3131 76 4511 400 1200 2400
KRS-1600-5 1610 1710 5200 2200 1800 1350 1300 2900 655 4097 30 5458 400 1200 2650
KRS-1600-6 1610 1710 6190 2200 1800 1400 1300 3900 726 4893 -10 6414 400 1200 2950
KRS-1900-4 1910 2010 4220 2500 1950 1500 1050 2400 655 3323 34 4511 400 1300 2400
KRS-1900-5 1910 2010 5200 2500 1950 1550 1300 2900 726 3937 -4 5458 400 1300 2700
KRS-1900-6 1910 2010 6190 2500 1950 1550 1300 3850 726 4893 -10 6414 400 1300 2950
KRS-2200-5 2210 2310 5200 2850 2100 1725 1300 2900 726 3937 -4 5554 500 1500 2700
KRS-2200-6 2210 2310 6190 2850 2200 1825 1300 3850 868 4746 -130 6510 500 1500 3000
KRS-2400-5 2410 2510 5200 3050 2300 1825 1300 2900 868 3789 -173 5554 500 1600 2700
KRS-2400-6 2410 2510 6190 3050 2300 1925 1300 3850 868 4746 -130 6510 500 1600 3000

Troughs are standard with lid or bottomless.
Two-stage screens are also available.


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